Benedictine Voice Fall/Winter 2024 Newsletter
“To Everything there is a Season” We see the seasons change every year and most people have a favorite season. Fall has a special place in my heart. I am not sure why. Many parts of south Texas do not…
“To Everything there is a Season” We see the seasons change every year and most people have a favorite season. Fall has a special place in my heart. I am not sure why. Many parts of south Texas do not…
“Our Immigrant Roots” How often have we heard the phrase, "We are all immigrants." We may not have traveled here from another country, but our ancestors did. For this issue, we decided to honor our Immigrant Roots. Below is my…
“Recognizing Gifts” Once again, Advent is upon us. This church season offers us time to turn our attention to preparing our mind, heart, and soul to celebrate the Feast of the Incarnation. We call to mind God’s overwhelming generosity of…
“Let Peace Be Your Quest and Aim” In the Rule, Prologue 14-17, St. Benedict writes, “Seeking his workers in a multitude of people, God calls out and says again: Is there anyone here who yearns for life and desires to…
Our Benedictine Grounds - From Showplace to Sacred Space 1911-2022 Our fall issue of Benedictine Voice brings to mind the word gratitude. I am deeply grateful to all who journey with us, whether it's been for a long time or…
Spirit of Hospitality "Let Us Love One Another. As I reflect on the past three months since I was installed as Prioress, many wonderful things have taken place..." Read our Summer 2022 Benedictine Voice
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Click Benedictine Voice - Spring 2021 (pdf) to read more.
"Being Benedictine ... In a Broken World" To be a Benedictine in any century and in any crisis is to be a person who listens deeply to her heart and to what is happening around her. St. Benedict makes this…
"A Time of Rebirthing - A 100 years in Texas" It is with deep gratitude to God that the Benedictine Sisters celebrate 100 years of service in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Our journey began on the Isle of Pines…