Oblate Program
Our Oblate Program offers individuals opportunities to live the ideals and values of the Benedictine way of life by:
- Listening to the Word of God as it comes through scripture, prayer, people and the signs of the times.
- Making Christ visible through sharing faith, hope and love.
- Being sensitive and responsive to the needs of others, especially those less fortunate.
- Providing meaningful spiritual programs and times for Christ-centered fellowship.
Oblates of St. Benedict are Christian women and men who associate themselves with a Benedictine community in order to enrich their Christian way of life. Oblates and the community provide mutual affirmation of the commitment to the Benedictine way of life.
Oblates do not necessarily take on new religious practices. As individuals and as members of a body, they grow in love of God, neighbor and self. With the Rule of St. Benedict as their guide, and a small team of seasoned Oblates to facilitate the program, Oblates adopt values that are part of the very fabric of Christian Spirituality, simply seeking to deepen their faith and to lead enriched Christian lives according to the Scriptures. Through association with a Benedictine community, Oblates receive help, guidance, and modeling in living a full Christian life. Oblates can be seen as extending the spirit of the monastic community into areas where the community cannot reach or be present.
Our Oblate candidates participate in a one year formation process consisting of faith sharing and prayer, and classes designed to enhance their knowledge of Benedictine spirituality.
After this formation process is completed, our Oblate candidates make a commitment in the presence of our community to:
- Share spiritual and social life
- Integrate prayer and work to manifest Christ’s presence in society
- Join the community on special occasions for prayer, liturgy, meals and celebrations
Membership is open to Christian women and men, single or married, of wholesome character and emotional stability who, inspired by Benedictine spirituality, are willing to commit oneself:
- To grow in understanding of faith in order to live the Gospel values more deeply.
- To share in Benedictine community through prayer and ministry while remaining in her/his chosen way of life.
- To grow in knowledge of the Boerne Benedictine Sisters’ mission and heritage.
- To live the charism of Benedictine spirituality and extend those gifts for service promoting the reign of God
Oblates must attend a minimum of one meeting per year in order to maintain membership.
If you would like more information about our Oblate program, please call (830) 816-8504.
I/we want to support the Oblate program.
Make your donation online using the PayPal button. If you would like to designate a donation in honor/memory of someone, use the Notes area in the online donation form.
“First of all, every time you begin a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection.”
RB, Prologue
2024-2025 Oblate Schedule
INITIAL FORMATION CLASSES meet in person on the first Sunday of the month from August to May, under the direction of Nan Neff, ObOSB.
ONGOING FORMATION CLASSES are being conducted in person and via Zoom (hybrid meetings) from September to April with RENEWAL OF OBLATION held in May.
Please call (830) 816-8504 for more information, or complete the Contact Form below. Thank you.
Contact us about
the Oblate Program