Through the centuries God has called Benedictines to many forms of ministry. In our community we have been called to reach out to many different populations. Although not as active in ministry as we used to be, we continue to listen to God’s voice calling us to reach out to others.

in Eagle Pass, TX.

and assisted living facilities.

The Sisters have partnered with these organizations:
Interfaith Welcome Coalition – Sister Susan and staff are very active in the IWC, meeting the changing needs of asylum seekers, refugees, and at-risk immigrants in collaboration with others.
Hill Country Daily Bread – Sisters, staff, and members of the Health and Wholeness Center participate in food drives and back to school clothing drives for families and children in need in our local community.
Boerne Community Coalition – The Sisters donate space to the “Love Boerne Kids” summer and school holiday lunch program to help the 20% of children in our local communities who are food insecure.