Sister Bernadine Reyes, OSB is a native of Falfurrias, TX. She currently serves as Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Boerne.
Sister holds a Bachelor of Nursing degree from the University of the Incarnate Word, a Certificate from the Institute of Religious Formation, a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from the Oblate School of Theology and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction.
She has served in health care, parish, and vocation ministries and she is a spiritual director. Sister Bernadine participated in grassroots efforts with Community Organized for Public Service (COPS). This experience offered her a solid background for her next challenge, Hispanic Outreach in the Boerne area. This ministry was centered around many issues regarding immigration and focused on ways to support the immigrants and the poor in the area.
Within the Benedictine Sisters’ community, Sister has served in formation, as a Council member and as Prioress. She served both as a Member and as President of the Intercultural Consultation Services Board in Detroit Michigan as well as President of Benedictine Ministries. Sister Bernadine currently serves on the Sam’s Kids Board in Boerne. Her hobbies include photography, keeping up with friends around the world, walking, and hiking.