Lent Unfolds by Sr. Sylvia Ahr, OSB
“…He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him… Mark 1:12-15 As I have prayed with this gospel of the First Sunday of Lent, I was drawn to the words above. It occurs to me that we have…
“…He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him… Mark 1:12-15 As I have prayed with this gospel of the First Sunday of Lent, I was drawn to the words above. It occurs to me that we have…
The Rule of St. Benedict was written circa 530. Benedictines still live by it nearly 1500 hundred years later. How amazing! In this new year, consider the things that matter. What guides you? What brings you peace? What sparks your…
I love Advent. It is far and away my favorite season of the liturgical year. I love everything about it, from the scripture readings to the sense of anticipation to the themes of justice and mercy that anchor the season…
Did You See Me? Matt 25:31-46 They are totally clueless, sheep and goats alike. “When did we see you, Lord? We don’t remember seeing you! Or helping you!” To which the Ruler of the Ages responds, “Truly I tell you,…
“But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” — Matthew 6:6 As I write this reflection, I’m anticipating the…
I definitely felt I had “bitten off more than I could chew” after having agreed to write a reflection upon the Gospel for September 3, the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time. Then “out of the clear blue sky,” or was…
The Inter-Congregational Leadership Group of Women Religious in San Antonio (ILGSA) recently met for their spring meeting at St. Brigid’s Convent on May 9, 2023. This group represents the Sisters within the Archdiocese of San Antonio. At this meeting, the…
We have journeyed together through Lent, the Easter Season, the Ascension and are now preparing for the celebration of Pentecost. Our spiritual lives are reflections of these liturgical seasons. “We remember and we celebrate”, as the song says. There are…
It’s time for our 21st ANNUAL NONE’S BALL – A NO-SHOW EVENT. Please consider a gift for the Sisters’ Retirement needs. THANK YOU! Click here to Donate!
Longer days, leafing trees, and blooming wildflowers are convincing signs that Spring is upon us. Easter baskets and bunnies have been on the store shelves since Valentines Day. Easter gatherings are being planned. It marks the end of Lent. We…