Sister Bernice has served in numerous ministries within the Archdioceses of the Military, Houston, and San Antonio, and the Diocese of Austin. She was a Pastoral Associate at Fort Hood, Texas, where she was in in charge of the whole Catholic Community. She ministered with the Priest of the Sacred Heart as a Devonian Youth Minister. Sister has been an Advocate and Notary for the Tribunals of each of these Archdioceses/Dioceses as well as Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry and she has served in jail ministry. Sister is a certified bereavement counselor, and she specializes in working with families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Sister is also a certified Spiritual Director.
Currently, Sister Bernice continues to serve in retreat ministry and as a Spiritual Director for individuals, the Cursillo Movement and ACTS as called upon. She is a proud grandparent of 9 grandchildren as well as being the most blessed great-Grandmother “GiGi” to 5 great-grandchildren.